Manufactured homes located in parks provide affordable housing as well as an opportunity home ownership. However, residents are in a vulnerable situation since they own the roof over their heads, but only rent the land under their feet. They face the threat of needed improvements not being made, unfair or inconsistently applied rules, capricious rent increases, and a park being closed for redevelopment.
Manufactured homeowners across the nation are organizing for justice. For far too long residents have been treated as second-class citizens by public officials, businesses, park owners, and the media. NMHOA can provide advice as well as a variety of resources and guides for getting organized.
Manufactured Home Owners Guide to NMHOA
NMHOA has published a technical assistance guide for manufactured home owners interested in becoming active with NMHOA or in your community or state. The guide has information about NMHOA, state and federal laws, preserving manufactured home communities, and forming home owners' associations. Download File
APAC Community Organizing Manual
Many thanks to NMHOA member All Parks Alliance for Change for this great resource – everything you ever wanted to know about getting your community organized can be found in APAC's Community Organizing Manual. This is an introductory document (PDF), with links to the various sections of the manual.
Guide to Forming Your Own HOA
The following guide is adapted from guides produced by NMHOA and APAC and provides clear explanations and examples for steps you can take to form a home owners association (HOA) and protect your home and community. Download File
Problems in your community? Be proactive.
Many people contact NMHOA seeking help with individual problems in their manufactured housing community. Oftentimes, by the time they call NMHOA, their problem has escalated and it may be too late for much of anything to be done. Some useful tips that might help home owners so that they can be as proactive and prepared as possible to address issues before they get out of control are here.
What to Do When a Park is Closing
Here’s a good article on things to consider (as a resident) when a manufactured home park is closing. Read the article from The Western Planner here.
Hosting a Candidate’s Forum
There is a lot of good information here. Thank you to Nonprofit VOTE! You can access the Nonprofit VOTE website to download a copy of their guide to hosting a Candidate's Forum.
You can watch the entire webinar on Nonproift VOTE’s YouTube channel.
Manufactured homeowners across the nation are organizing for justice. For far too long residents have been treated as second-class citizens by public officials, businesses, park owners, and the media. NMHOA can provide advice as well as a variety of resources and guides for getting organized.
Manufactured Home Owners Guide to NMHOA
NMHOA has published a technical assistance guide for manufactured home owners interested in becoming active with NMHOA or in your community or state. The guide has information about NMHOA, state and federal laws, preserving manufactured home communities, and forming home owners' associations. Download File
APAC Community Organizing Manual
Many thanks to NMHOA member All Parks Alliance for Change for this great resource – everything you ever wanted to know about getting your community organized can be found in APAC's Community Organizing Manual. This is an introductory document (PDF), with links to the various sections of the manual.
Guide to Forming Your Own HOA
The following guide is adapted from guides produced by NMHOA and APAC and provides clear explanations and examples for steps you can take to form a home owners association (HOA) and protect your home and community. Download File
Problems in your community? Be proactive.
Many people contact NMHOA seeking help with individual problems in their manufactured housing community. Oftentimes, by the time they call NMHOA, their problem has escalated and it may be too late for much of anything to be done. Some useful tips that might help home owners so that they can be as proactive and prepared as possible to address issues before they get out of control are here.
What to Do When a Park is Closing
Here’s a good article on things to consider (as a resident) when a manufactured home park is closing. Read the article from The Western Planner here.
Hosting a Candidate’s Forum
There is a lot of good information here. Thank you to Nonprofit VOTE! You can access the Nonprofit VOTE website to download a copy of their guide to hosting a Candidate's Forum.
You can watch the entire webinar on Nonproift VOTE’s YouTube channel.