NMHOA Accomplishments
- NMHOA participated in the 2023 Consumer Advocacy Week, in order to support the authority and funding of two critically important consumer protection agencies: the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission.
- NMHOA worked with the Legal Services Corporation (LSC) on an issue brief about the legal pitfalls of mobile and manufactured housing, which is the second topic in their Housing Task Force series. The brief cites research and news stories produced by other organizations, including the National Manufactured Home Owners Association (NMHOA) and All Parks Alliance for Change (APAC).
- NMHOA supported a framework of recommendations for how U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) should implement the Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE) program. The framework, put forward by Resident Owned Communities USA (ROC USA) and other manufactured housing partners, prioritizes: resident-owned park communities; residents acquiring their communities; addressing infrastructure needs; replacing pre-HUD Code homes through replacement and infill programs; and, in general, requests that support health and safety, disaster preparedness, economic and financial security, and community engagement and capacity building.
- NMHOA supported passage of the Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE) Act providing $250 million for manufactured housing. It is the first federal program specifically designed to address issues faced by homeowners living in manufactured home communities and the infrastructure challenges in those communities.
- NMHOA provided information and support for the proposed rule published by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) amending the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards. The proposed updates are the largest set of changes to the HUD Code in over two decades, and should further improve the quality and safety of manufactured home construction. The updates proposed by HUD also amended the Manufactured Home Procedural and Enforcement Regulations, the Model Manufactured Home Installation Standards and the Manufactured Home Installation Program regulations.
- NMHOA provided information and support for the final rule the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) published for manufactured housing energy standards, which will be implemented May 31, 2023. The finalized rule will be the first-ever energy conservation standards for manufactured homes. The standards were developed from the 2021 version of the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) and stakeholder input, in consultation with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The rule requires specific standards be met by manufacturers for air sealing, insulation, HVAC, and other equipment and systems.
- NMHOA participated in hearings of the White House’s Manufactured Housing Task Force, which is seeking to address market and regulatory barriers to manufactured housing as an affordable, equitable, and accessible housing option. NMHOA was one of the invited participants and shared comments on both the role of state and local governments, and homebuyer counseling and protections.
- NMHOA provided comments for the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s Duty to Serve (DTS) rule. NMHOA supported of the basic framework of protections, but pushed for a stronger language related to “good cause” eviction, a resident opportunity to purchase if parks are re-sold, and a limit on rent increases to the local Consumer Price Index (CPI), unless it can be justified by an increase in the cost of operations or maintenance.
- NMHOA participated, as a key national partner, in the relaunch of the Innovations in Manufactured Homes (I’M HOME) Network, which had been dormant in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The relaunch included development of a strategic plan, a meeting of key partners, informational webinars, and a mini-conference in Washington, DC.
- NMHOA joined I’M HOME (Innovations in Manufactured Homes) Network partners, including the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Next Step, and ROC USA, in submitting comments on the Ginnie Mae Manufactured Housing Programs. The comments call on Ginnie Mae and the Federal Housing Administration to include strong consumer protections, encourage better consumer education, and standardized tenant pad/ground lease protections. We joined the call for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to convene stakeholders to develop a standardized and scale-able ground lease.
- NMHOA participated in the 2022 Consumer Advocacy Week 2022, in order to support stronger consumer protections, including: limits on overdraft and nonsufficient funds fees; protections against payment fraud and theft using online payment methods; and restoring the Federal Trade Commission’s power to fight scams, return funds to victims, and punish guilty parties.
- NMHOA, for the third time, held its Annual Meeting and Convention online. We welcomed more than 50 manufactured home owners from around the country, who discussed legislative victories in California, Colorado, Delaware, Minnesota, and Washington, and heard about federal legislation from staff members for U.S. Representative Suzanne Bonamici and U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar.
- NMHOA joined with the National Low-Income Housing Coalition and a broad national coalition of other organizations to extend the federal eviction moratorium. The moratorium kept families in their homes while state and local governments distributed federal rental assistance.
- NMHOA also joined with the National Low-Income Housing Coalition and a broad national coalition of organizations to extend emergency rental assistance.
- NMHOA worked with the Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) to promote the use of solar energy by manufactured home owners. Executive Director, Dave Anderson, served as a member of CESA’s Scaling Up Solar for Manufactured Homes Advisory Committee. CESA released a report exploring the opportunities and challenges for bringing the benefits of solar to manufactured housing residents in fourteen states. CESA established a Solar for Manufactured Homes Learning Network focused on solar for resident-owned communities (ROCs).
- NMHOA participated in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Manufactured Housing Working Group that proposed energy efficiency standards.
- NMHOA submitted comments on U.S. DOE’s proposed efficiency standards for manufactured homes.
- NMHOA joined with the National Low-Income Housing Coalition and a broad national coalition of other organizations to establish the federal eviction moratorium as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act and to extend it through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The moratorium kept families in their homes while state and local governments distributed federal rental assistance.
- NMHOA also joined with the National Low-Income Housing Coalition and a broad national coalition of organizations to support funding for emergency rental assistance provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) through the CARES Act.
- NMHOA supported passage of the HUD Manufactured Housing Modernization Act, which encourages state and local jurisdictions to include manufactured housing in their Consolidated Plans. A Consolidated Plan helps state and local governments assess their affordable housing and community development needs. Inclusion in these plans allows projects involving manufactured housing to seek support through federal funding programs, such as Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program, Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Program.
- For the first time in 20 years, NMHOA did not hold an in-person annual convention due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In its place, NMHOA held its first virtual Annual Meeting using the Zoom platform.
- NMHOA participated in the 2019 Consumer Lobby Day, in order to oppose predatory lending, forced arbitration of consumer complaints, and changes to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that would weaken its independence, structure, or funding
- NMHOA also participated in Consumer Federation of America’s 2019 Consumer Assembly, in order to expand the scope of manufactured housing issues reflected in the network’s consumer policy manual.
- NMHOA held its nineteenth annual convention in Portland, OR.
- NMHOA participated in the 2018 Consumer Lobby Day, in order to oppose changes to the Dodd-Frank Act and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that would weaken protections for manufactured home owners.
- NMHOA also participated in Consumer Federation of America’s 2018 Consumer Assembly, in order to expand the scope of manufactured housing issues reflected in the network’s consumer policy manual.
- NMHOA produced “A Candidate’s Guide to Manufactured Housing” for the 2018 general elections.
- NMHOA held its eighteenth annual convention in Nashville, TN.
- Gary Miller (New Jersey) was elected NMHOA’s seventh president.
- NMHOA supported manufactured home owners forming the Colorado Coalition of Manufactured Home Owners (CoCoMHO) to provide yearly forums, resources, and other ways of helping manufactured home owners address a wide range of their concerns.
- The Innovations in Manufactured Home (I’M HOME) Network created a Steering Committee to provide the national partners, including NMHOA, with greater direct input into the ongoing management of the network, its programs, and activities.
- NMHOA joined the Consumer Federation of America, which includes participating in the network’s annual Consumer Assembly and Consumer Lobby Day.
- For Consumer Lobby Day, NMHOA joined 100 advocates from 36 states to meet with members of Congress in support of a strong Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and strong consumer protections for manufactured home owners.
- NMHOA submitted comments for the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s Duty to Serve (DTS) rule. FHFA issued a final set of DTS regulations that include financing for manufactured homes and manufactured home communities.
- NMHOA held its seventeenth annual convention in Providence, RI.
- NMHOA, and member association All Parks Alliance for Change, launched a North Dakota organizing project resulting in the formation of the Fargo Area Park Resident Association, and the publication of the “North Dakota Mobile & Manufactured Home Handbook;” a guide to the mobile home and tenant-landlord laws that apply to mobile home park residents.
- NMHOA hired its second Executive Director, Dave Anderson, who has over 25 years’ experience with community organizing, research, and legislative advocacy, including serving as executive director of All Parks Alliance for Change, the Minnesota manufactured home owners association, since 2004. Anderson has a Master of Public Affairs and a Doctor of Education in Leadership.
- NMHOA submitted comments for the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s Duty to Serve rule, which includes better lending for manufactured homes and communities.
- NMHOA participated in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Manufactured Housing Working Group that proposed energy efficiency standards.
- NMHOA held its sixteenth annual convention in Henderson, NV.
- NMHOA held its fifteenth annual convention in Minneapolis, MN. With the theme, "Our Crystal Anniversary, 15 years of service, 15 years of progress," the organization reflected on its transformation from a simple networking hub designed to foster communication among the state associations, into a nationally-recognized advocacy group that promotes federal policy change and provides organizing assistance to individuals, community associations, and state associations.
- NMHOA hired additional staff, including its first community organizer and first communications assistant.
- NMHOA held its fourteenth annual convention in Seattle, WA.
- NMHOA held a two-day, in-person board retreat in Minneapolis, MN to develop a multi-year set of strategic priorities and goals.
- NMHOA launched the Ambassador Program, a coordinate state outreach program.
- NMHOA presented on manufactured housing issues at the National Low-Income Housing Coalition’s annual convention.
- Jesse Martinez (Massachusetts), on an interim basis, was elected NMHOA’s fifth president. Tim Sheahan (California) was elected NMHOA’s sixth president.
- NMHOA held its thirteenth annual convention in Denver, CO.
- NMHOA adopted its second strategic plan, covering April 2013 to December 2015.
- NMHOA adopted its current name, replacing the former name “Manufactured Home Owners Association of America.”
- NMHOA commented on implementation of the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000.
- NMHOA provided information and support for the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws’ recommended Uniform Manufactured Housing Act, which encourages states to classify manufactured homes as real property.
- NMHOA held its twelfth annual convention in Crystal City, VA.
- NMHOA held its eleventh annual convention in Silver Spring, MD.
- With an additional funding increase, NMHOA hired its first Executive Director, Ishbel Dickens, an attorney with more than 20 years’ experience in manufactured housing issues, including community organizing, litigation, and legislative advocacy.
- NMHOA held its tenth annual convention in Salt Lake City, UT. The organization commits to ta more active role in coordinating state association activities, advocating for federal policy change, and assisting the establishment of new state associations.
- NMHOA produced the "National Public Policy Guide” for manufactured home owners.
- NMHOA commented on the proposed rules to implement the Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act of 2008.
- NMHOA held its ninth annual convention in Seattle, WA. With the theme of "Unity. Community. Opportunity," the organization set several significant goals, including a monthly board meeting schedule, an expanded set of committees, three regional conferences, and continuing to expand membership, funding, and partnerships.
- NMHOA held a two-day, in-person board meeting, training, and planning session.
- NMHOA published a “Start Up Guide for Home Owner Associations,” modeled on All Parks Alliance for Change’s Community Organizing Manual.
- NMHOA held its first regional conferences, for the Eastern Regional Alliance, Midwestern Regional Alliance, and Regional Alliance of the West.
- NMHOA held its eighth annual convention in Bloomington, MN. The organization celebrated the growth in board membership, state membership, organizational partnerships, and convention attendance since 2006 with the convention theme, "Communicate! Educate! Legislate! Celebrate!"
- NMHOA established three regional networks of state associations – the Eastern Regional Alliance, Midwestern Regional Alliance, and Regional Alliance of the West.
- Lois Parris (New Hampshire) was elected NMHOA’s fourth president.
- NMHOA received its first grant funding, hired its first contracted staff (from association member, All Parks Alliance for Change), including a national director, project coordinator, and other assistance with community organizing, training, and events.
- With increased funding and support staff, NMHOA’s mission expanded to include technical assistance to member state associations in areas such as recruiting members, developing leaders, forming community associations, building state associations, and promoting state policy change.
- NMHOA held its seventh annual convention in Bloomington, MN. Promoted under the heading of “Build a Vision. Build a Base. Build a Movement,” the organization crafted a national homeowner vision and set priorities for base building and movement building.
- NMHOA adopted its first strategic plan, covering October 2007 to September 2012.
- NMHOA helped to organize and present at a conference set up by the Meredith Institute, the training division of Resident-Owned Communities USA (ROC USA), which had just been established that year by the New Hampshire Community Loan Fund. The conference was attended by 34 people from 17 states.
- NMHOA held its sixth annual convention in Concord, NH.
- Charles Gallagher (Florida) was elected NMHOA’s third president.
- NMHOA supported manufactured home owners forming the Association for Manufactured Home Owners (AMHO) in Washington state.
- The Innovations in Manufactured Homes (I’M HOME) Network is launched by Prosperity Now, and NMHOA joins as one of the key national partner organizations.
- NMHOA held its fifth annual convention in Clearwater, FL
- NMHOA reincorporated in the state of Delaware.
- NMHOA held its fourth annual convention in Raleigh, NC.
- Ed Speraw (Delaware) was elected NMHOA’s second president.
- NMHOA held its third annual convention in Wilmington, DE.
- NMHOA held its second annual convention in Chicago, IL.
- NMHOA was established in 2001 when the leaders of the state manufactured home owner associations (HOAs) met in Chicago, IL, for its first convention, to establish a national organization to serve as a general networking and communications hub providing mutual support around common challenges.
- The founding board of directors was elected with members from Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Texas, and Wisconsin.
- Clarence Cook (Michigan) was elected NMHOA’s first president. As a result, NMHOA was originally incorporated in Michigan.